Sunday, September 21, 2014
Do Over.
So...let's have a do-over. I'll keep the posts below as a kind of archive because looking through it, I actually see a lot of links to some things I might want to revisit.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Oh yeah...

I forgot....
Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My new column is up...

Monday, March 2, 2009
Open Sesame!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Octopus as Trickster

photo: U the octopus by cissyhu via flickr
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Seeking your weird memories...

Friday, January 16, 2009
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Everybody knows the dump
Friday, December 12, 2008
In the cold cold ground...

from the fabulous spirit photographs of william hope series from the national media museum photostream at flickr
9 meaningless facts about "The Christmas Story"
2. I don't want to ever see it.
3. I don't want to know anything more about it than I already do. I already know far too much.
4. That leg lamp blows.
5. That stupid red rider bb gun blows too.
6. I was once shot in the neck (sniper style) by M. Nobo with a high power BB gun.
7. I was relaxing on a hammock at the time.
8. That kid looks an awful lot like cousin oliver from brady bunch.
9. Don't tell me if it really is (see meaningless fact no. 3)
the war of the machines has begun...
I want it to be real, and I want it to be unreal. I'm going to have to read further and think on it a bit; there's something kind of fin de siecle romance about it--somewhat like 'optograms' were in the last turn of century. There are huge ideas of object/subject/reality/perception, etc. galore here. wow.
And...the idea of actually seeing a dream outside the dream itself is killing me softly with his song.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdo...

My latest column is about a very odd photograph that was sent to my husband to post at his paranormal site. I won't try to describe it--you really have to see it to believe it anyway. My article was linked and the photo were posted at various places--boing boing, forgetomori, et. al.--not due to my glorious ramblings, but for the singular bizarreness of the illusion contained in the photo. It is possibly the best and weirdest case of photographic pareidolia to date. GO SEE!
Click here.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
"Are we still married"
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
In the beginning was the word...

My latest column, The Whole Wide Word (ok, it's almost 2 weeks old now) at Binnall of America is about some mystical aspects of the Hebrew alphabet. More esoterica alphabetica recommended reading here, here, and here.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Long Lost Night Gallery Find
All I remembered was a painting that revealed a weird, 'live' prehistoric scene underneath the top layer when someonce scraped away at the paint. It really freaked me out. I remembered it as a made for tv type of movie, and could have sworn that Adrienne Barbeau was in it.
Anyway--I found the Night Gallery episode on youtube, and I'm sure this is what I saw as a kid. It's better and creepier in my memory.
The first scene is quite strange--I suppose the demolition of buildings and traffic congestion is supposed to represent the sacrificing of the past for development, somehow related to the reliquinshing of antiques as the heroine does in the story, and ultimately the trapping in the ancient past...
Part I
Part II
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Unlikely poetica on the internets...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
dumb headline
There's something so odd about this. There's an assumption here that "whites" can refer to just men. Or, that women constitutes a classification such as race. "Women and blacks" suggests that women are not included inherently in "black." Women seem to be likewise not necessarily included in "white." I understand what is really meant here, but it is really poor phraseology...
Good luck to California...

photo credit: Gay Marriage by bilericoproject via flickr
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sweatin' to the Oldies
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Rev. Robert Short or Fritz Van Nest?
Note: I'm really annoyed--for some reason I can't publish photos now. Go here to see the allposters photo.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Stupidest thing on the internets this week...
I swear this story is the 3rd different one I've noticed just within the last week. This is not original, clever, interesting, and most importantly, it is not newsworthy.
Why not post news stories about fiesta ware butter dishes that some guy is auctioning off? At least they're pretty.
photo, danagraves via flickr

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Upon preparing to leave the promised land...
Not Miss:The sound of blaring sirens, traffic, construction, beige shopping areas, starbucks, people talking about all the crap they got at costco, the whole hipster scenario, the dastardly air quality.
Miss: a plethora of ethnic cuisine, incense selection, D.I., smart people, bookstores, the great annual curbside giveaway, Hires Big H. Dammit.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Villisca Photos

The search brought up the Villisca Axe Murders--nothing to do with my photograph, but curiously, there was a suspect arrested for the eight grisly homicides named Van Alstine, from nearby Red Oak Iowa.
Serendipitously, the same day my column was published, there was a link at The Anomalist to Troy Taylor's page, A Haunting Mystery: The Ghosts of the Villisca Ax Murder House. I just got around to checking that out yesterday, and I was pleased to find some photos I hadn't seen before.
There was even a photo of some of the victims--a couple with 2 children. The youngest one bears a striking resemblance to the infant in our album photo...see what you think.
Monday, May 19, 2008
No, this blog is not defunct...
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
if a chupacabra was aquatic...

Monday, March 24, 2008
novels for scavengers

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Lonely is as lonely does...
This first video is one of my favorite songs and videos ever. It's barely music--it is somehow transcendant. My best friend Monique aquired a compilation album called Lonely is an Eyesore around 1987 or so, and this song, 'Fish' was on it. I don't know if it was every released on any other Throwing Muses album--I can't find it anywhere. They used to play the video on 120 minutes. Some wonderful person somehow has found it and posted in on youtube. 1+2+3+4+5+6+6+6+6+6+6....
If I could get one of those recorded message things attached to my gravestone, I would want the noise she makes at 4:06-4:09 to be the message. If I wasn't immortal I mean.
This one below is extrememly hard to find. It's a great video, and even better song. Monique and I saw this video on 120 minutes or Nightflight, and went to 'World Records' in Topeka soon after, and quite unbelievably, she found the 12 inch LP. She had the BEST music luck in the world. Except for the unmentionable "Crucifux" incident in Kansas City that should probably not be explained in full. I'll just say my mother's 'omen' prevented me from being present, and a 'wire wisk', van, and the movie Faster Pussycat Kill Kill and a couch were involved. Although maybe that was good luck after all. Also, being the parent of a teen now, I'm not sure my mother's omen had to do so much with psychic phenomena--perhaps hearing the name of the band "crucifux" may have had a bit to do with it.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Eightiest thing in the world...
I don't exactly remember this song on the radio, but they use to play this video on Nightflight sometimes. We used to mock it relentlessly.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
My Own Private Girl on Mars

Here's my latest column at Binnall of America. It's about pareidolia, the signifier and the signified, and the recent figure on Mars meme.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Feet of Flames
Wondering if anyone else on the planet remembers this Tenpole Tudor song. My friend Mika used to play it incessantly as we drove around Topeka. These guys strike me now as kind of sha-na-na. What a hilarious spectacle; the guy is about to Riverdance.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Fall From Grace

Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The New Gaze
So anyway--this bugs the crap out of me too. This androgynous emo kid gaze. I don't mean to pick on this particular kid, but this happened to be on the front page of flickr and I clicked on it because I haven't seen such a grand example of posturing since I had to stop looking at MySpace or check myself into a sanitarium. Sorry kid, it's not you, really. It's the self-induced pose. It's always the same. Smooth long bangs over one eyelinered eye (what's the message of identity? I'm only half here?)--always an upward gaze, implying smallness and weakness, very childlike. Many times, the camera even seems to be held up over the head with arms outstretched as far as possible, to imply the subject is a toddler. Overall very fetishized and with an almost anime look. Oftentimes, there is one word in the picture, drawn on (I suppose) in photoshop, or drawn directly on the arm/hand, with marker etc. I'm disturbed by it--irrational perhaps.

Monday, February 25, 2008
The Trip, Sal Giammona
For a single semester, I was a film major at the U. We got to rent free VHS from the small but nicely-and-obscurely-stocked little gated movie stall. Somewhere, there's a woman named Francine-a woman who loaded the film for the 'pets or meat' scene in Michael Moore's Roger & Me--a woman who served me homemade peach moonshine 16 years ago in her messy apartment--the same apartment building in fact, that last week, a sex offender shot and killed himself in a police standoff--somewhere this woman Francine probably still has all her student films, one of which I star in, I am a character named Jade, and I sit in this little gated movie thing and swig Nyquil.
I am a terrible actress; in fact, I am no actress at all--as everyone, especially this very frustrated film student golden child who was directing Francine's graduate student film, named 'Basil' found out that night with the Nyquil. I had no idea I couldn't act until then; I otherwise never would have committed to it.
Anyway, once I checked out some film fest short film VHS, and there was one on there called Walls in the Woods, which I watched over and over. I loved it. Just reading the description of it here, I'm sure you'll see why:
...we see eggbeaters flying in space, furniture creaking through the woods like a flying ship, and tools enlarged in his bedroom next to the donut shop which he dreads...
Although I can't find it online, I found out the filmmaker's name (Sal Giammona) and this is another of his. It aptly embodies and expresses the Platonic Form of Roadslapped.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
High Strangeness at the D.I.
The insane person abducts the disabled guy, hies into the dressing room, dresses him in a in white temple jumper, and returns the disabled guy to his mother at the checkout line, wants to pay for the jumper, practically proposes temple sealing right there, everyone is appropriately rightened and stunned. Police are summoned, and later...
"When officers arrived, the man appeared in the store parking lot, wearing his own white jumpsuit under a trench coat and a hockey mask on his face."
I will miss D.I., perhaps most of all. Don't hate me for that. I have my own high strangeness at D.I. stories.
Read the full story here.
Friday, February 22, 2008
no one, not even google street maps has such small hands
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