There's a new feature length documentary about the Phelps clan--that infamous stringy-haired-god-hates-fags-westboro-baptist-church from my hometown, Topeka Kansas. I haven't seen it yet, but it looks pretty good. It's available for instant viewing at Netflix.
I watched this and a few things came to mind. 1) Obviously it's pointless to try to argue with these people. They are so far out there that they cannot be reasoned with at all. Arguements are just wasted breath. 2) How do they earn a living. They have that big house and gigantic swimming pool. Where does the money come from? Who would hire them or do business with them?
The entire family is made up of attorneys. Fred used to be a very prominent civil rights attorney with his own firm in topeka, and was responsible for a lot of the suits and actions in during the 60s. I suppose there must be some kind of money from his past ventures. Also, it's not like he doesn;t have supporters. Often media portrayals make him look like it's just he and his family, but when he runs for public office, he always gets an amazing share of votes--never wins of course, but he typically gets 50% of the losing candidate's totals. In 1992, almost 50,000 people voted for him to be a kansas democratic senator. yes, democratic. I assume he has actual financial supporters as well--for the church, its activites, and whatnot. I'm not sure of his real agenda, or if he has one anymore. he is the ultimate trickster, and to deconstruct him is to find questions instead of answers.
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